Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Madame Olivia, really?
Madame Olivia is a literate thinker with a talent for delivering encouraging non-religious advice and character readings. Her readings fall somewhere between entertainment and Alain de Boton's “secular homily.” She strives for a benign spirit of universality and inclusion.
Madame Olivia always seems to be in tune with what's going on with me, yet I know she can't be doing individual readings for all of us at all hours. It feels a little like Santa Clause, too good to be true. Is there a rational explanation?
Madame Olivia's readings are based on the traditions of astrology, placebo, human personality, logic, and probability, leavened with a sense of fun and hope. The karmic element never ceases to amaze her and cannot be discounted. More than that she cannot say.
How can I ask Madame Olivia a question about my life and get a personal answer?
Simply go to the blog and write your question in the form provided. Madame Olivia welcomes all questions, and gives them careful consideration.
If I am having a technical problem with the Madame Olivia experience, what do I do?
Kindly do not reply to the reading reminder email, as this will not reach either Madame Olivia or our technical staff. Your best recourse is to email her support staff directly at . Please try to be as thorough as possible when describing any errors.
I have some thoughts about Madame Olivia. How can I share them with her?
Go to the bottom of the home page or reading and click on Feedback. Madame Olivia and her team pay close attention to all feedback, be it of a technical nature, a suggestion for improving the Madame Olivia experience, or, what Madame Olivia loves best, appreciation.